How did we help?


Team member, Emily, attended two young person planning meetings as Tim’s supporter. She helped him voice his concerns about making teachers aware of Claire’s additional support needs, helping her find trusted adults, finding ICT resources to increase her independence with written tasks and making sure she had access to safe places when feeling overwhelmed.


Emily helped Tim draft a follow up email confirming the outcomes and actions of their meetings. She also helped him understand his rights and relevant legislation. With Tim and Claire’s consent, Emily referred Claire on to our Young Person’s Outreach Specialist.


Claire was encouraged to get involved in her own planning and decision making regarding her support plan.

What happened?

Claire now has a clear, regularly reviewed support plan which was emailed to all her subject teachers and is trialling ICT resources. She has developed good relationships with several support staff members who she feels she can approach when needed. She has identified areas at school that she can access if she starts feeling overwhelmed and is enjoying socialising with her classmates during break times.

The future

Tim feels confident approaching professionals if/when concerns about Claire’s additional support needs arise. He continues to work collaboratively with school staff to do this.

Why is Claire’s case important?

  • Tim and Claire are now understood by school staff as they continue to engage and progress.
  • Communication between parent and education has improved, which appears to be having a positive impact on both Tim and Claire’s wellbeing.
  • There is increased knowledge and understanding of learning difficulties in Claire’s school. This will make transitions easier for children in the future.