It takes all kinds of minds – Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a neurodevelopmental condition, which means that it is part of the make-up of the brain. It’s more commonly diagnosed in males and may run in families. People with Tourette syndrome sometimes lose control over the movements and sounds they make. Without warning, they may twitch, nod, jerk or make grunting, coughing or other noises. These actions are completely involuntary and are known as ‘tics’. 

Tics can come and go and vary in severity. They can be ‘simple’ such as a small movement or a single sound, or ‘complex’ such as a phrase or making a series of movements. Most people will have a combination of physical and vocal compulsions and may also experience difficulty in managing their emotions.

Tourette syndrome can co-exist with any of the other neurodevelopmental conditions.

Meet Owen, he is…

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Reliable and practical

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Someone who will bring a smile to people’s faces

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Great at taking the initiative


But Owen can’t always control his own movements and sounds.

Owen and his family wanted to help others understand how he experiences his Tourette syndrome and what makes him shine.

“Don’t look at what they can’t do. Look at what they can do.”

Owen’s Mum

Find out more about how to support a child or young person with Tourette syndrome, their strengths and their challenges.

Find out more