We all have different brains
This is neurodiversity

Neurodiversity means there is a wide variation in brain processes.

Neurodiversity causes differences in individuals’ experiences and behaviours. Sometimes this creates a big enough difference to correspond with a label such as autism or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). 

One person cannot be neurodiverse, but a group of people may be neurodiverse if they differ in their neurotype.

If you experience a barrier to learning, you may be neurodivergent.

Someone with autism, dyslexia, ADHD, developmental coordination disorder or Tourette syndrome could be described as neurodivergent. 

Neurodivergence in individuals can come with advantages too. You can find out more in our It takes all kinds of minds resource.

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Neurodiversity Manifesto

2021 is the year of Holyrood elections as well as our 21st Anniversary and we call on all political parties to put neurodiversity at the heart of their election campaigns.

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The Brain – is wider than the sky

Our 2014 exhibition, in Edinburgh’s St Andrew Square Gardens, highlighted the brain’s complexity with 38 stunning images. They demonstrated how neuroscientists at the University of Edinburgh watch brains in action to improve our understanding of neurological disease.

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Our partners at Salvesen Mindroom Research Centre are exploring neurodiversity further.

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